Burning Man Photography for the Healing Camp

Wik recently had the opportunity to travel to Nevada to capture one part of the iconic Burning Man festival. She talks here about her experiences:

“I arrived at the sound healing camp at Burning Man and set up my camera equipment. The atmosphere was electric with the energy of the festival, and I couldn't wait to capture it.

I walked around, observing the participants as they laid on blankets, closed their eyes, and let the sound wash over them. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the scene.

I began taking photos, focusing on the peaceful expressions on the faces of the attendees, the intricate sound healing instruments, and the overall ambiance of the area.

Overall, it was a unique and wonderful experience to be able to photograph the sound healing ceremony at Burning Man. The combination of the music, the setting, and the energy of the festival made for some truly special images.”